Fake It Until You Become It

A friend recently sent me this video, and I think it contains a very powerful message.

In the past couple of years I have applied to business school, started my own company, and have networked in the Boston startup community. In each of these endeavors, it has become obvious to me that you must go out into the world and aggressively pursue your goal. It’s not about faking it until you make it, it’s about faking it until you become it. I’m not advocating lying or anything nefarious, but everyone starts out as a beginner in their road to achieving their goals. If you are humble, honest, and passionate, you’ll become the person you want to be.


  1. Awesome thanks for sharing this. Couldn’t agree more. I generally love the notion of “fake it until you make it” otherwise I feel you spend too much time “preparing” for success rather than just being successful. I will probably switch that line to fake it until you become it. 

    • Thanks for the comment.  Agreed that we spend too much time “preparing” for things rather than executing.  Especially in the sense of “don’t put something off until tomorrow, you won’t have more information and it won’t be any better”.

  2. That was incredible. It was especially genuine that she wants everyone to share this message.

    • Agreed!  It’s impressive to hear a story like this from someone who is obviously incredibly smart and accomplished.

  3. Thanks for sharing Dan.  This is very cool.  Awesome way to quickly get in the frame of mind to act with your full potential… whether a sales meeting, tough conversation, speech, etc.

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